Prediction of natural fracture network patterns using feature engineering and machine learning approaches
Natural fracture characterization, classification, machine learning, XGBoost, LightGBM, KNNAbstract
In this paper, we present a study of machine learning algorithms for predicting patterns of natural fracture network. The dataset used originates from the Teapot Dome field, USA. Initially, fracture azimuths were categorized into eight classes, each representing a 45-degree segment. Various machine learning models were then employed, ranging from traditional boosting algorithms to more recent approaches to predict the fracture classes. The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm was used to produce the best initial results with an accuracy of approximately 70%. After applying data augmentation techniques, we improved the model performance, achieving an accuracy of 88%. In addition, with feature engineering, we achieve 98%. This work highlights the potential of machine learning models in predicting fracture paths, contributing to the broader application of ML in the geomechanical model.
Document Type: Original article
Cited as: Kurmanbek, B., Merembayev, T., Amanbek, Y. Prediction of natural fracture network patterns using feature engineering and machine learning approaches. Computational Energy Science, 2024, 1(4): 167-174.
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